Saturday, November 10, 2007

1964 - At Aptos Beach

I'm not sure if these slides are all marked correctly. Pam looks younger here than in the '1963' pictures. No matter. Here's another shot at Aptos. My parents loved the beach, we got to spend a week here most summers. My sister is wearing her glasses and eye patch. Can you imagine working with a toddler with eye patch at a sandy beach? My parents were determined to try this approach to get my sister's 'lazy eye' to work. This did not work but they sure put a lot of effort into it and my sister spent much of her early years in a hazy blur. I think that is the aptos pier in the background, it does look like MOnterey Bay but I'm not 100% certain.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

The pier looks in great shape. I wonder if that fence at the top was just painted.

Mom insisted on all the curls and any long hair dispeared right after the patch-project start. But it was the STANDARD treatment for a myopic eye at that time. Treatment has evolved and changed for the condition over the years. At least I have did not see many kids with similar problems when Teresa was young. It was enough of a concern that the eye doctor did check her at a young age.

I don't remember us ever sitting that close to the pier. I think it would have been too much of a tempation for us to get too close to the wood poles.