Tuesday, October 23, 2007

1961 - Cookout with the Zwisslers

Sandy and Charlie along with Gary and Karen Zwissler having a barbecue hot dog cookout. In our backyard. Who let Charlie and Gary have those sharp sticks? Sandy definitely looks more than 2 years older in this picture. Maybe Sandy is standing on the bricks...


Oreo said...

I can imagine there was heavy superviion during that part of the cook out. Although the boys might have been cub scouts by that point and might have a little respect for hot dog cooking.

Linda not around a lot . . . .too old. I am not there . . . . too young.

azure said...

Mom said:

I think it was marshmallows

Charlie said:

I don't remember that event. Things like this we did more often at the Zwisslers. We didn't do too much of that kind of thing at our house except for special occassions.