Monday, October 8, 2007

1961 - Pam's action shot

Two year old Pam and her wheelbarrow in the backyard. Complete with her curls and her glasses. The doctors even wanted to give her contact lenses as a toddler back in 1961 but my mother would not allow it unless they also gave my mother contact lenses. Which they wouldn't, I don't know why.

But an action shot by my father with the container caught in mid-air while being flung by Pam. She's on her way with that wheelbarrow.

You can almost feel the heat of the Sacramento summer.


Anonymous said...

I love the expression on Aunt Pam's face in the second one.
For some reason, it reminds me of Woody Allen.

Anonymous said...

love Ilana

Oreo said...

I would imagine that was a hot summer day because I have no shirt on underneith. Maybe the wheelbarrow was a birthday present. Looks new.

Curls came off at some point because they conflicted with "sticky stuff" they had to put on my face to make the patch stay on.

Usually I would not be 'wide eyed'. But your right in that shot I can understand why "Woody Allen" would come to mind.