Friday, December 28, 2007

1965 - Where are we going?

We're going somewhere, maybe the start of a trip? To where? As usual, we are dressed nicely. Charlie in his cool surfer stripe shirt. I do remember that rainbow striped shirt. I've always liked rainbow colored things. Looks like Charlie and I have things to 'do' in the car. Not sure how Pam's stick horse fits in. Also, I like more than two years older than Charlie. In the front yard of Wilhaggin home.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

It looks like I am ready for a party. You look like you have a hat box or overnight bag in your hand and Charlie has a notebook.

It's the Exmoor House. Can't mistake those bushes behind us in the shot.

It must be fall or early spring. I have a sweater on and you both have jackets in your hands.