Tuesday, August 7, 2007

1950? - Nanny and Poppy

Nanny and Poppy (our grandparents) around 1950 with our cousin Mary Ann in New Haven CT maybe on their front porch on Norton Ave. I'm struck here how much younger my grandmother looks and how hard her life was. She was born to genteel wealth and then experienced poverty during the depression. They never recovered financially.

This was an iconic picture for me (Sandy). This picture was in a frame in the central part of the house. My mother showed it to me often "This is Nanny and Poppy". We lived in California, very far away from New England in the 1950s. When they came to visit, they walked in and said "We are Nanny and Poppy" and I ran to the picture and pointed to it "No, no! THIS is Nanny and Poppy"


Oreo said...

I remember that picture. I seem to remmeber wondering who that little girl was. Why wasn't I there?

azure said...

It was Mary Ann. We weren't in the picture because neither of us were born yet and we weren't in Hamden.

Very important picture to me from my childhood

sarahrachael said...

That picture is now hanging on the south wall in the bedroom. My father (far left), had a full head of bright red hair. At eighty-two, even before he died, he still had a head of red hair. More blond than red, but still bright!