Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1962 - Sandy and Charlie at Purim

Sandy and Charlie are dressed for the Purim celebration at Sunday School. I am Queen Esther, Charlie is King Ahashuerus. Traditional for the children to dress up as members of the Purim story and march in a parade at the temple. The Megillah (Purim story) is read aloud and you eat Hamantaschen (triangular pastries stuffed with date or raisin filling supposedly in the shape of Haman (the villain)'s hat. I don't remember much about the outfit that I'm wearing though I remember the bracelet. A Halloween crown on and lipstick. I do remember admiring Charlie's cape made of iridescent gold fabric. Foil enhanced crown and scepter.

Just never did follow through with Sunday School that much with my own kids. Impaired judaism.

Picture taken on the back steps of the Arden Park home. The back of the very nice screened in porch that my parents added. I remember dark aqua stucco exterior walls and deep pink concrete floor on the porch. It was 1962 and looked fine...wonder what it's like now.

1 comment:

sarahrachael said...

In the back-round, you'll notice brick planters. Father spent a whole summer putting them in, and we had lemon and lime plants in them.