Saturday, August 18, 2007

1990 - The 4 Barnes kids

Sandy's 4 kids in 1990 because Naomi is just a baby. Danny in his cub scout uniform (probably we wanted him to dress up and this is what we could talk him into). Susannak holding the baby ("Let ME hold her! Let ME hold her!) Ilana on the stair thinking her enigmatic thoughts. Naomi just glad to be there. Nope, nobody's really changed.

I used to characterize my kids in this way. Let's say the young kid is playing ball in the driveway and the ball gets away from them and goes rolling down the street.

Danny would burst into tears
Susanna would blast off after it
Ilana wants you to go get it
Naomi doesn't care, she just goes and does something else

Pretty odd now that they are 17-25....

Watch out faithful readers, Pixmonix has received my slides so I should get them shortly after I return. You are going to get TONS of 1962, 1963, 1966, 1972.

Also to my small readership, we will be away Aug 20-24 so there may be not posts to this family album

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